Open letter to Pramoedya Ananta Toer Keith Foulcher
Jakarta, 5 March 1985
By the Democracy 2 (1985); an English translation is in Indonesia Reports, cultural and social supplement (August 1986)
26 February 1985 letter I received yesterday, the open letter Achdiat K. Mihardja to friends (scholars) that Australia is attached. Thank you. Attachment is indeed surprising, especially concerning the self-nyangkut me, and keep the spirit of unity in the manikebuis on stage now: defend themselves and defend themselves without any attacks while kesakitannya bemoan the past, the fact they do not blister suffer the least. Total of all general experienced by people in period manikebuis subject kesenangannya, not yet equal persecution, oppression, insult, seizure and robbery experienced by one person PRAM. After they successfully took up a military regime, with borrowed words in the open page. "All forgiven and forgotten" and revisiannya: "We've forgiven but not forgotten." I can only breast stroke. Hypocrisy and hubris in the right blend, balanced with insignificance nyalinya in fear. Bung and know yourself, the development of social-cultural-political - here in Indonesia - not merely ulah individuals, one more procedure to get in the national identity and national independence fill. No one among the states manikebuis had sympathy - do not imagine protests - lawannya on the dibunuhi, kias or literal. Until now. For example Trubus of national artists. Japo [?] Lampong. Moreover, local artists who do not go counting them. Where they are now. Where is the author of the song Genjer-genjer? Soekarno says: relative Yo, yo sometimes, death yen m [? A] lu kelangan. What happens is - still using the Java environment: tego larane, tego patine.
Main problem at that time simply: perbenturan between two opinions; or revolution is not complete. The other problem is the following from it. I think, is not complete. Evidence had not shown the history of revolution in Indonesia. Because there is not distansi with. Unanimity is not yet finished. But the historians fear. Even the word revolution and was named national likely limited as a war for independence.
Counterwork manikebu parties and our first problem is not just another polemic. Really hard, but not to kill, right? Kan is indeed one way to get a general truth, which can be received by the public? At the time that terror was made by the people as alleged Lekra now, I truly can not convinced. Beb Vuyk in Dutch newspapers accuse: terror has made people Lekra against several people, including Bernard IJzerdraad. Time he came to Indonesia and find themselves, said IJzerdraad never diteror. Beb Vuyk and did not correct his writings. Beb Vuyk own leave Indonesia after the failure of the rebellion-PRRI Permesta, and then ask for citizenship Netherlands. Perhaps he felt that the importance of age in Indonesia, so that is more concerned to establish the feel of lies menyudutkan especially for me. in the case in the polemic-page polemic. I only use my rights as free citizens to express opinions. And I know my rights. As I often say: I earn citizenship not wrestle with a free gift.
And what indeed is G-30S/PKI failed coup d'etat? I do not know. Around 24 months ago I received a copy of a European political journalists from the Journal of Contemporary Asia, without number and without the year, titled: "Who's Plot - New Light on the 1965 Events," essay WF Wertheim. That is for the first time I read the description of people who do not aligned. Information is also the first after 20 years. Arts-presumably because of my ignorance I should be seized of all and sundry for 14 months + 2 years almost 6 years of detention (without legal statement), without ever seen the board of judges who listen to my defense. Are very expensive price of citizenship that I have to pay. But also I have my citizenship as closely as possible. That there are still people who do not volunteer. Also on the Bung this letter I write with a high price my citizenship.
Now I will respond any posts A.K.M. He did not have time in the discharge events in 1965. But my own experience. I will describe my experience so far as their own, not to make too many mistakes.
On 1 October 1965 pagihari I heard from the radio movement Untung. Then news of the order of the Council of Revolution. Before that move up the announcement of the soldiers that participated in the movement Untung and relegation for them so that the above officer Letkol. Already at that time to my great surprise, I have not already-not yet take rank? This movement is, by whom? I'm more at home than not. Rutine to work outside the home is in order to prepare and teach the Lentera Publika Res. And very occasionally to the pencil factory where I "was" so "advisers." So in the house that I "know" some things that happen from outside sounds that came from. Firstly came Abdullah SP, Hamka passed the challenger, that time just to work in a newspaper published a new Islam, and now I forget his name. He said that does not feel safe and want to flee to the place. My mind, because it does not know the real situation. An employee tatausaha University Res Publika come home to give honor, and the University is closed due to unsafe conditions. He was honor-fold from the usual. Several days later officers came from the pencil factory, also the honor, also usually from the fold, because the factory had closed, the situation critical. Then came a friend who proclaim, Aidit house burned, as well as some other houses. It was also about how to proclaim the mass movement. They attack the person households, and then came the uniformed officer who did not even catch that protect attacked. "I believe Bung akan treated likewise," he said. What is with me? tanyaku. "Error bung, bung because leaders." That's it? Place here, I said finally.
A tailor, who had dibisiki restrictions menjahitkan my clothes by neighboring members PNI - cabbage is also a neighbor - offers a safe place in my nun in Brebes (if I do not remember any). I say thanks. Surprising how people can see, in keamananku threat. A friend came and others recommend that I run. Why run? ask me. What should I larikan? Myself? and why?
Then came an author termuda that I know. Usually it directly into the back and open their own larder. He did not repeat the kebiasaannya. Tingkahnya rise to suspicion. I still remember the words that I speak to him, I withdraw from a first, if indeed pengeroyok go I want my face akan alone; my place here.
The longer the situation increasingly desperate. My wife giving birth two months. is right when he and the children to stay temporarily in-law's house. Board my name, from the marble stone, for many years only sprawling, deliberately pairs in front of the wall with the anterior wall sculpture. As a statement: I here, do not stray to the wrong address.
In other second-law wife to me selamatan for my safety. Meanwhile, I still live at home to prepare literature encyclopaedia Indonesia. In my tired state I switch Hadits learn Bukori. at night all lights padamkan me and I sit alone at home. I have only one friend, my younger brother who returned to Indonesia to set up disertasinya, Koesalah Soebagyo Toer.
Then came the date 13 October 1965 hour 23:00. Know-I already know its home. The lamp of 200 watt fence - the voltage is only 110, but may be considered too luxurious for the life of the village - turn on me. At the door I see the people running the light. Face mask. Bring pikar hands. Night-night, with the mask, I immediately thought, that the goods out of the house of dirampoknya out diserbu. I know that evil thoughts. what can make the voices proclaim incentive to the home, the military mengangkuti school children up to the truck and ordered rant against Soekarno. I never see themselves. I believe, because pelda (or peltu?) Who live in front of my home, have two consecutive nights of talking in front of the alley's house, that the military have their own political, Soekarno has no meaning. Perhaps he used KNIL. Even on the second night it was open-mouth, hard and loud and fro, and I feel it is aimed at me, I pull the Cigarette's lips, and I cast him. Sounds scream while he jumps. So if I have a dirty mind like that not in place. Nah, every fence I turn off the lights, crew appear at the door. When I turn on again they fled. Clearly, their faces that I've known. Not long after the stones aside time neighbors, who are prepared to build a house, berlayangan to my home. That may not be flung by a staff person. At least two people with the way membandulnya the glove or the other. If my children still at home, especially the baby is 2 months, I can not imagine what will happen. Boulder fell on a house in menerobosi tile and ceilings. So people really want the death of me. I take a stick of wood mop hard, also mempersenjatai themselves with samurai small (Joebaar Ajoeb of their return from Japan). This is my last day, here in my place. I know, probably will not be a gang fight, but I yet have to defend themselves? Second way to survive is to give the crew something they remember for life: the words of a more powerful weapon.
With a voice loud enough I scream: This is a struggle Name? If the only fight I fight since young. But not like this way. Come here to lead you! What kind of fight like this?
Ingar scene to stop. Also throw stones. Suddenly sebongkah big time rock and steal my thigh melesat on the front door at once destroyed. A great throw stones back. Lights deliberately destroyed the fence with the pitch.
I heard a voice: Where is the oil. Here, the fuel only. But I also hear the voice of parents neighbor left me, a shaman in love: do not, do not be burnt, I took home later burned. Not long after the voice sounded again: do not land on me through. When I see in my brother's house is gone. Apparently he escape from the back gate and entered the land of the traditional love.
Correct and only friend is the word: and then came those uniformed. Method of working will continue to be seen. They consist of police and military. I have not had time to use my stick and samurai, they have not yet entered the house of my yard.
Military commanders operating gerombolannya and I opened the door. They go and blame me directly: useless against people. Kontan I answered: crew, not the people.
After they check the whole house again he says: Get ready, let's pack our amankan, soon to go from here. I cried out to call my brother. He appears, either from where. Promised akan secured, I prepare a script for my beach wedding and completed typewriter. At a police station in the team that I ask: I know? Know, mister. Please save paper and all my library. there is perkerjaan Bung Karno (that time I have not finished until muster cliff cliff-Bung Karno, correspondence and Soekarno-Sartono-Thamrin still not adequate for publication). He promised to save.
They sleigh through the alley, both of us. Cluster is running on the side of the corral and back. There is a spear, kris, machete, stiletto. True, the tool that the state does not catch the crew invader, even capturing the diserbu. And as it were to destroy one or two people. Properly raise a great momentum qua struggle. Up to a field in the alley way behind the house, before the top of the Nissan was to bind them to the back of my hand and menyangkutkan to the neck, so that in the hands rontaan akan springe neck. Rope dead. Not a square knot that is taught in scouting. Rope dead. Kind of bond that is used to catch that will be killed during the revolution first. Of course I will be sorry to die in circumstances like this. More beautiful when the fight on the ground where I live. Beyond the bridge the central front rumahsakit general strike Koptu Solomon stennya iron handle on the eyes. Quick palingkan my head and the iron triangle is not successfully remove the ball, but crack the cheekbone. I understand kemarahannya, not actually with me, but on one, because it can not participate in my house. They take us to Kostrad, if I was not mistaken. The current is a picket Letkol. We sent down there, and the officer that I have that paper documentation and library to be saved. If the Government really want to be taken, but not destroyed. He menyanggupi. From there we entered was a housing complex that I do not know what the complex. Window visible from the top of the gold Monas. Then I can identify the house, not only the entrance zigzag through the complex, but directly from the road, because in 1955 in the same room I had to meet Erwin Baharuddin, former fellow prisoners in the Dutch prison Bukitduri.
Picket take all that I take in hand, machine and write the script, also a samurai tersisipkan in stocking feet. Time he lived alone Rolex I returned, so do not leave a visible, hide good. we are to a room where the floor is menggeloyor in some people. One is from a Daryono SB (SB is either) and a tall perjaka own neighbors. Picket the jamtangan restore it to enter the room where we tergolek on the floor. In a large papantulis written with chalk: Ganyang PKI. He went there and delete any posts that while berguman: what is!
A kid have an important position corporal, two sweet, and ask about this-that. I ask what pangkatnya. He replied with a cuff and slap, and then go away. Approximately two hours later I see a Nissan patrol came and decreased-nurunkan goods. Some examples in the top of the table in the room where we sprawl on the floor. I know of these: my own card files, documentation of the history of portraiture, even the negative lead as I prepare for my use in the long term. So I understand the library documentation and I, weary toil for fifteen years has been demolished, 5,000 volumes of books and several tons of newspaper collections. The figures that I get from the university library about two years to help me.
Catch-catch and hold the new filtering. There is not a walk and was thrown to the floor. Then came the catch directly recognize me. He asked why I berlumuran blood. Just at that time I realized kemejaku party-bonteng kena own blood, as well as trousers, which apparently chipped stone was thrown that time. He said that, all my paper diangkuti military. Mass attack and hijack what is there, up-to mango fruit that is being loaded digoncang fruit. There is not a cup or plate remaining. Home fella stay empty so relieved perforation.
Do not dikira no ill feeling on me; not. Thus remember is that one sentence from Njoto, the AKM also know: The level of culture and civilization in the war we are quite low, the concern, we need to improve. I also remember the words of another: If you get the outrage, do not give back barbarism, if able, gave him justice as a dozen. RTM in custody in 1960 I got word of a new world criminal: useless. Now, I'm new word can also: in-safe-kan, which means: be, have not at all connected with the hook-safe and secure. Before that I have a standard backup when talking with people: take at most 50% of omongannya as true. Now I get an additional criterion: If the rule is A, that means minus A. What can be made, the experience teaches.
Between the pain in my left and right, where people can not and should not be fed, be African journalist again - I do not remember from Mali, Ghana or Ivory Coast - the drive time pertanyakan: What Nasakom that possible? What is not a Utopia? My answer: in a necessary way. Each time the colonial time bomb could explode. That we do not want. It appears that as Nasakom fact still in development. He says: If Nasakom failed? Did it mean extinction civilian government, as Nasakom tersapu? Jawabku: We can only try. She said again: If Nasakom disapu, will no longer have the strength of nationalist, religious or communist! Dialogue is not the next I remember.
The morning-the beginning of the coming serombongan journalist, without shoes, all lututnya bleeding. Including my own uncle, R. Moedigdo, I tumpangi almost 3.5 years during Japanese occupation. He is also not excluded. Then I heard, they came from the new tangsi CPM Guntur and forced to crawl out on the gravel road. Following comes power. Those military throw-catch that new cast from the top deck and terbanting to the ground. The room was full-packed with the new prisoner, until the gang-gang. That means the more groan and moan. Of which there are a number of women. Are from the hole that drives the press since the military has not yet arrested, unrelenting menalu drum to raise people's emotions against the PKI and organizations massanya: Gerwani in Lubangbuaya memotongi genitalia and the general conduct lewd dances and the like, the typical ideas that have never ideals. Nape feathers stand not because people never suspect Indonesia can make a very creative kejinya.
Then came the inspection. I was brought to the examination room, a round the clock, day and night filled by roaring and screaming. Also from the mouth of a woman. Indeed, I enter the room at that time does not usually seriuh. Tools were not penyetrum. In a corner KKO bertampang Arab, black, high and slim, foot-at dingan bot naked feet tread the diperiksanya. Between fingers and finger-lorn youth disisipi stem the pencil and then hand it diremas the inspector with a smile and ask: What? It's what I yell? In addition to the youth that is me, checked by a lieutenant (or captain?) Nusirwan named Adil.
Outside review allegations against me as not accompanied by persecution dideritakan hapless youth on the left side of me. Examiner was quiet and polite, and may be quite literate and cultured. He started with the question-why do I bleed blood.
Answer: drop.
But it is not included in the review.
Question: What about the movement Untung?
Answer: do not know anything about.
Question: What is the correct movement?
Answer: If you get the opportunity to learn the facts-the fact that authentik may be in five years thereafter, I will be able to answer the question.
Before continuing on this examination I paste the first few things before my arrest. First: since the beginning I concur that the movement Untung, which was then named G-30S/PKI, is the movement in the body of the Army itself. Opinion still survive until now, also Wertheim before reading any posts in the Journal of Contemporary Asia. News persecution and murder of the day and the more pressing. Second: an intelligence officer came to deliver a special visit, that the military will play the role of the PKI as a cat rat. Three: two UI students have been on the streets dilynch the new highway was built, still quiet, in the vicinity of the campus. Fourth: the examination of the catch on the two ranges, the first involvement in the events Lubangbuaya, both membership and Young People's PKI. Fifth: a few days before the arrest of an officer of the Central Library in the daily fires in the Pancasila, that I am the leader of Youth. As a reporter because he mentioned the self-employee Balai Pustaka, so I came to meet the director of the BP - Hutasuhut that time, if I do not remember one - and make a protest as BP used as a fort to spread the wrong information about me. Director of BP I reject protest. Employees who write the lives of several tens step my home. Hamka passed plagiarism in the event he had to send a letter to the defense and Hamka passed only part of it I announce.
And the room is my home had borrowed for the Young People's branches. But that's not the only one. If the afternoon is also a back room where kindergarten (reportase of been written by Valentin Ostrovsky, if I do not remember the fumble). Every Thursday night for the room before the discussion group discussion Simpat Nine. Each meeting didahului with the notice on the village. So there is not something that can be alleged illegal.
Sixth: someone delivered to me, probably also on a number of people again, if the review conducted PKI members or ormasnya, akui yes - no matter true or not; soalnya they are not shy people make so invalid for life to be not useful for himself for the rest of the age even further. And, not all the page., I can mention his name, because it is not able to remember - has been almost 20 years sodomy.
So if the examiner asks me PKI members, I answered yes.
Question: Is this country believe the country will be communist?
Answer: Not in 40 years.
The reason?
The geography and konservativitas Indonesia.
Indeed, the only main content of the examination. But as in detention during the daily proclaim Ambassador Society reportase raid on the gang to my home and home S. Rukiah Kertapati, in which I mentioned in the house found books theft from museums and centers in the jewel house Rukiah batch, so the examination is based on the theft problem page. Indeed, I had borrowed one beca magazines, books and daily from the museum center. I have not yet return to the Door Duisternis daily Licht Kartini and Medan Prijaji years 1911 and 1912. If the archive is structured properly, can be found, that I have donated 10 times more than the still I borrow.
Thus, the examination is complete. It's not my spiel can be checked on the proces verbal, were still stored at both the institution authorities.
If there is difference, soalnya because time is too long.
Bung may ask from where I know there are news in the Ambassador Society accuse me of stealing. Yes, on a morning show of a captain in the room where prisoners serombongan. He recognizes me immediately, otherwise I know him as a sergeant in the RTM of 1960. He was well-high, with top-complexioned and lips suwing. I can not remember the name. One night he visited me in the room kapalselam (isolation cells) in the RTM. Many chat, among others, he said troops had participated in the red Current Madiun. Morning he appeared to have an important position of captain. He asked directly where Sjam. That for the first time I heard that name. But he immediately cancel pertanyaanya with the words: Ah, Mr. PRAM writer, certainly does not know who he is. Ramahnya Luarbiasa, subordinates diperintahkannya to bring coffee and provide veldbed for me. And only the first conducted. After he went a fat sergeant's famous ferocious, from Sulawesi, if no one remembers, was also a pilgrimage, with ramahnya called me and told me to read the Community Ambassadors.
Bung Nah, after the examination is sent to a group of CPM Guntur. Before going on I have Nusyirwan Just to free my brother, because it just came to Indonesia to set up disertasinya. He luluskan my request, diketikkan exemption letter. Before I go titipi he watches me, for my wife is shopping.
In Guntur only to register and seized what is in the catch bag. Shoes until sikatgigi and ikatpinggang. Time I realize it's new in the bag I was saved from the royalty Res Publika and pencil factory. All seized with reason: later in the custody of friends that does not stolen. Of thunder brought us to Salemba. Hands remain on the cervix and the body should be bending, may not stand upright, as the catcher. In the prison yard-readable name of the one-by at a military. Time to move on and stop it I cried: Lho, Pak PRAM, here in church? Peltu (or pelda) is bersepedamotor guards who oversee a dark-blue sedan in November 1960 from the RTM to Peperti Peganggsaan Jl. Budi Utomo. I was in the sedan, after the required "interviewed" by Sudharmono, BC mayor HK. And peltu or pelda in front in October 1965 was Rompis.
Since the seizure development rights of citizenship and civil rights during my almost 20 years ago. Bung and Keith, not one person from any nation that manikebuis infected blister, do not lose even a single sheet of paper. Until now they still live in andaian, if the left win. From the tower andaian that they all menghalalkan: seizure, mistreatment, insult, murder. Stay alive in the egg shell of security and cleanliness, purity, good children's parents, and children of the gods of gold victory. At least ten years I do kerjapaksa, one day they shall never. It appears that they are still not willing to see me live out of the murk. When I returned from Buru new, many of them showed a sweet attitude. Unbelievable. But after I published the BM, wah, keberingasan appear again.
About A.K.M. own the first time I know in the year 1946, in a hotel in Garut. He does not know me. That time I'm in a military mission. He came to the hotel and ngomong-ngomong with the owner. Still remember his name, because that time he was editor of the magazine Gelombang Zaman published in Garut.
The meeting is the second in the Central Library, the time he was still so employees Balai Pustaka mastered by the power of the Netherlands. After the handover of sovereignty it so my boss in the same office - I do as civil servants with experience during the revolution is not recognized, because all the servants of the former employees of Dutch. While he lives in Australia is safe, in fact he was still alive in andaian, and as the others remain small breed experience during Soekarno-off for a cork floating in menyudutkan those kind of me. Tolaknya fixed point andaian. All who have not tried to confront me in berdepan, from first to second I write this.
In the meantime that I seized from the seconds until this has not been returned. My home occupied by the military, have an important position from the captain to major or Letkol, even the back rent to others. That was only the home village, but have a spiritual value for the family and my own. Maybe I have to use describe.
I mendirikannya in 1958 months old. Honoraria an author of tax is 15 percent, cut by the publisher directly. When I protested about the broadcasting of high taxes 15 percent, not more than a week and then prime minister Djuanda menaikkannya be 20 percent, the same as the tax lottery. So also is the home through a long square off. Gathered first-kumpul cubic meters of timber from the first until ten ff. My house plan in accordance with a bamboo wall strength. My motorcycle, 500cc BSA motorcycle .-- military actually - also dikurbankan. Suddenly a man-law to come and investigate: why should the bamboo? That cost is too expensive. Following the command: wall! Apparently not the origin. He was on leave me twenty thousand rupiah. If you already have, return, he said again. So that the wall home terbagus across the alley. In fact not until the story there. Colleagues who can not understand, the author can establish a home, start with desas-desusnya. One side says, I have been a bribe Russia. there are some who say RRT. Friends-close friends who said I was a bribe United States. People still do not believe an author can build their own home. They forget, in the Zoo has not promised me on my father to fix the house, in my first year out of prison Netherlands. I do more than what I promised, I got up, and the time is terbagus house across the complex, is only one sided teak. (Now the more expensive teak from the wall).
We had meninggali home village is only until the year 1965 or 7 years. People not entitled to it for almost 20 years. Fad never ask; wishes answered: I can prove it is not the party? Until discharged there. On the other got the answer: just sell the house, give separohnya on penghuninya. And I say: I do not have the prejudices that inhabit my home is from the prostitutes. Hence up to now remain as such.
Well, the manikebuis still not satisfied with all that I experienced. I certainly did not have a bit ill feeling. Any and all sensory experience like no jiwai, not just capital, even become a foundation for the author.
What dialamai A.K.M. during Soekarno still not anything compared to what I experienced. Current Kemayoran? In the 1958's after the Conference Author A-A in China through Tasykent I not allowed through the Hong Kong and forced through Mandalay, Burma. That is, with unexpected difficulties. At Rangoon the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia does not want to help me troubleshoot. What can be made, there is no way for me rather than threatening to call the journalist akan Rangoon Jawatan Immigration and Burma, to give a statement, the embassy that there did not want to take the stranded warganegaranya. They had to take me to arrive in Jakarta. From Rangoon and then came a letter that demanded different. I only replied with names with copy-down on the minister luarnegeri, that time Dr. Subandrio. I hope that letter is still stored in the archive. Events that occur close to the I to the Bung Karno decision to submit the document in addition to the Conference parcel is also the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Uzbekistan, Rasyidov nerve, to him, witnessed by several people, including Minister of Hanafi. Unexpected happens in the meeting that a little controversy with the Bung Karno. He gave me an instruction and I refused, because as the author of a portion of my own. Then solve this controversy, which I consider reasonable, until finally the top of my Nasution in the RTM, and harder to place in Cipinang, as against 10 PP. Almost one year in prison, then released in a gang and with the same breath with the rebel-PRRI Permesta as gifts terbebasnya West Irian. In the case no more than 3 years before that and Nasution also gave me the letter of award no. 0002 for assistance in the war against the PRRI Sumbar.
1960-61 detention is bitter wallop for me. Not that I do is my own powers of government. Also there is no justice setitik was in it. I feel just write what I know I, and based on my own. With the clear, full. My address is clearly, not a slug that can move each time her house. I need the court. And it is not given to me. In strict isolation in Cipinang I sent a letter to the Bung Karno Ngadino through, and then change the name so Armunanto, the editorial staff and members of Eastern Star DPA. Letters that aims to get the punishment justified, either as a troublemaker, as entahlah fraudster. At least not like that now. He does not forward, for the reason that there are other people save tembusannya. He is H.B. Jassin. I believe that letter is still stored.
Bung can compare, that andaian difficulties during Soekarno still does not mean that the difficulty with the fact that my own experience.
I wonder, that in page 2 A.K.M. states keheranannya why his name from the list of nomination dicoret National Front. Feel funny and naive, for he alone does not have the power to menentukannya. He said Lekra membakari book? I know from that page. Perhaps Boen S. Oemarjati the right to give explanations.
On page 3 first paragraph there is the amazing story of Ali Taslim. I often come into place in the building company Intrabu. So in my picture the person who "always menterornya with pestol put on the table" it was me. Pramoedya Ananta Toer. Goenawan Muhammad soalnya letter dated 28 November 1980 at Sumartana says (hlm.3): "Achdiat been told, that never came to PRAM Central Library by placing the pistol on the table." When that happens? Pestol whom? Who I met and my terror? Presumably, if not berandai-Goenawan case, AKM alone had the right answer. In the national independence is never armed fire. One day in 1958. Not pestol, but parabellum. Place: in a jeep traveling between Bayah with Cikotok. Witnesses: an infantry lieutenant. He needs my help to properly investigate the case have boulyon-boulyon gold hidden by the Netherlands before leaving Java in the 1942 primary in Cikotok gold mine, with the conclusion that all is mere hogwash. Why armed? Because a previous vehicle was dicegat in general, is burned. Bangkainya and still nongkrong in the street. As the author I still believe in the power of more words than the strength of the bullet gaungnya will only take the part of the minutes, even seconds. And I also never could have convinced people to come menteror Ali Taslim. What can be obtained from him? Should A.K.M. who clearly mentions the name penteror it.
On page 5 any posts A.K.M. paragraph terbawah written that: "in front of the house I had sheet-feeding 10 thousand rupiah to the kepalannya. He was probably so compassionate, so that the eyes appear wet stagnant," and "I know of PRAM when it takes money." Indeed, show me a bit clumsy me such. At that time I can not say in financial difficulty. Immediately after returning from a number of former prisoners Buru Buru come I have assisted in solving problems they seek livelihood. Indeed, the church has a lot of help, and I respect and appreciate their service with the genuine. But for the name and status of goods assistance not sufficient especially for the needs of their families. So, I PT dirikan a building contractor, a business that can accommodate a lot of energy. At the time A.K.M. came to the house has 36 people ditampung, part of him. No less than 5 houses are, in between 2 houses luxury. Between them have me stay. This business has been able to give life (last) 60 people with their families. But the difficulty? Intel came several times, said that with the verbal, so my home place tapol. Some people from the municipal office to give ultimatum to provide the money in the hundred-thousand days. Someone come and mengibar-ngibarkan identity card as intel Hankam. A claim to come as sospol Depdag employees with additional information, friends Bataks many people, and people are not always vigilant. I will not say what they mean coming. That coming from the outside. Difficulty in any of the many no less. Friends used tapol average power is receding because of old age. They were not familiar with new techniques of development is now home. They do not with new material and process. In addition kerjapaksa take years without compensation without an award, the threatened punishment, has been successful in part from mental sabotage them. In the work that they face they do not start vak skills. Medium dream take years in the position as the slaves of Pharaoh is too beautiful. One of the Buru setiakawan have so high and so was the work, and then run to bring the money, not less. A person who is relatively young, the night came with a truck and bring mengangkuti building material that has been available and sell them in other places with low prices for themselves. One more that are also young, with no skills at all carpenters, organizing strikes with a sudden demand from the results of work. Pick-up Chevrolet Luv, donations friends Savitri, in 3 months and already berban bald penyok-penyok.
Cuff that is not less difficult future. Already completed about 8 houses with such circumstances. Then two of the houses built that does not want to settle their obligations, we know the legal position is weak. Savitri many times have questioned the assistance of his friends provided. I can not afford to do that. No other of my own that will be ashamed, and all I have to swallow your own. Finally, I ordered the dismissal of PT without ever giving responsibility to the friends Savitri.
Bung Nah, that situations such as time sheet received ten of thousands, did not think I ever will be used by AKM to attach a picture of himself. All the good will not be useless if it does not have the. With the intention was, of course, why not, so far as any human action that has surely aware motif. But when used as the investment, which cited ribanya every time, even if only moral usury, that is exactly the investment, not a gift. And who in the world did not accept this? When I came out of the new Buru and a number of people who come only to bersumbang. The amount of 60 to 100 thousand, of which 3 typewriter, a three-tiganya forwarded directly to the tapol need more. Similarly with the money. I practically do not have money in the bag. It will appear when outside the home. In Buru also have a number of grantor, of the environment in and outside tapol, from one to ten thousand. In difficult circumstances in Buru any normal person can not live so the recipient only. Especially the Catholic church was the need to give write-I write each month. Even once I have received 2 times of one large carton containing glasses, and clothes for my time. (Until now I save it.) I only purpose to explain, in the nations, neglected, or according to the new redaction of the nations that develop, give and receive is incredibility is habit that should stated.
Dikira I do not write with such emotion. No. A dialogue for me to stay more enjoyable than monologue. At least the dialog is a democratic reflection of the soul. But greeting all forgiven and forgotten, or we've forgiven but not forgotten, indeed megalomaniak products that can be caused by sudden melesat from inferiornya complex, not because of strength in, but outside himself.
About pancasila in hlm. 6, I will not talk much except to suggest that open-back press conference during Soekarno Indonesia, especially about why the president of RI dissolve the constituent assembly. Groups which reject and which accept Pancasila before any interpretation or revision, non-formal or formal.
In this context I remember the speech Nyoto, if not in the wrong square Klaten in 1964, that trend appears to have a body in the community (I will not reproduce redaksinya may be able to) read the sentence-sentence pancasila be: One, that the Godhead is One, Two, The Belief in One God, Three, The Belief in One God; Four, The Belief in One God, and Lima, the Godhead is One God. He was not in jest.
During 14 years in detention greeting Nyoto not only be the truth, more than that. Dakwah dakwah-given, or more precisely the term Santiaji new order, the person does not offend others sila-sila sila after the first, if the offensive was just plug empty: religious and not religious worship means. Does not mean that worship is not pancasilais, also can be anti-Pancasila. Yes, the long tail is apparently required to translate the natural indigenous Indonesian formalis mind, not able to liberate themselves from the symbol-symbol, ceremonies, anniversaries, rank and marks - and for the tribe of Java is quite complete in dideretkan puppet in the literature.
Based on own experience I can say: Revolution is not driven by the Indonesian Pancasila; it was driven by patriotism and nationalism. New in 1946 I never got a job to give information to the Pancasila and the UN troops. Furthermore there is no fixed pertautan between Pancasila with the Revolution.
I respect the views A.K.M. of Pancasila which he believe, once even with the Pancasila was also people like us in a hurry-up to 10 years, and AKM never do something protests. And the question then, whether he still holds so - meaning no need to implement in practice - at the time of the interests of life and safety threatened? Talk in the secure environment is easier for anyone, and: without verification.
In connection with the Pancasila democracy in the west hlm. 7 as a A.K.M. colleagues at the university I had a story of Australia.
At 1984, Mr. Moh. Roem affected by heart attack and treated at the RSCM. I pick a doctor, said, Pak Roem want me coming. I do not examine whether it is Pak Roem desire or ambition is the only doctor. I immediately set out with her. Pak is in the room to sleep in Roem still connected to the controller means of the heart. Penjemput accompany me directly so that only a nurse, both of us in there without a witness. The people in desperate circumstances, of course, I do not speak anything. he just tired of talking to, as a sign I should step down to save energy that he needed himself. Too much on my disampaikannya for people in such desperate circumstances. One thing related to the Pancasila and Western democracy, as he and lawyers, is: 50 + 1? Yes, even though the need to consider the fair, not like this for votes. In history we have proven, that the unity of Indonesia realized only because of Western parliamentary democracy.
Nah, Bung Keith, with the core issues manikebu quite clear: I use my rights as a citizen of Indonesia, who also have rights in the manikebu. Tosh when it is said at the time they do not have the media to publish the refutation. Time now, time sanggah formal rights through mass media does not exist, I still protest in various ways that may be, if indeed there is a need to be refuted. Are greeting Mr. Roem page., That is the last political message. Several weeks later he died.
I have not finished. There is still one thing that needs to be submitted, only the outside of the relationship with the open letter Achdiat K. Mihardja.
Not long after our last meeting I received a letter from ML, which is essentially a right answer to me. Of course I get the strong impression, Bung continue our discussion on it. Thank you, that things that are clearly not constrained by the light.
To not make a blunder in my estimate about specific issues or general help to me say that I agree bipoler life. I justify the existence of two superpower, not only as a fact, also as a political statement macro world humanity. If there is only one superpower consequences across the world will be bebeknya. Two represent the strength of a superpower and not strength, power and opposisi. In the national level I agree bipoler life. There is no power opposisi. If not, rakyat akan pengambang a duck, with the personality does not develop. Democracy is also opposisi with the macro world of national politics. He is also personal reflection micro human world, which is determined by the actions or not. Animals with the instinct not require all-round world. He did not know ya or not.
Hopefully this letter too long - more appropriate business documentation itself - there are benefits. I have no objection if up.
Greetings to all who know me, also on M.L. and Savitri are never kecewakan.
Recently my health improved slightly. What I use the traditional ingredients that fascinate. With the observation through the test with urine sugar benedict positive in 24 hours can become negative, which I can not get through sport and the body of work for 2 weeks.
Bung for the warm greeting and a family
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