great grandfather

Pramoedya Ananta Toer
Blora, Central Java, 6 February 1925
Jakarta, 30 April 2006
Maemunah Thamrin

SD Institute Boedi Oetomo (IBO), Blora
Radio Vakschool 3 for 6 months, Surabaya
Shorthand class, Chuo Sangi-In, one year, Jakarta
Class and Economy and Sociology Seminar by Drs. Mohammad Hatta, Maruto Nitimihardjo
Mature garden: The school is closed by Japan, 1942-1943
Islamic High School: Class Philosophy and Sociology, Jakarta

Typist in the Office Domei News, Jakarta, 1942-1944
Instructor class in stenography Domei
Editor Japanese-Chinese War Chronicle in Domei
Reporter and Editor for the magazine Sadar, Jakarta, 1947
Editor at the Department of Modern Literature Balai Pustaka, Jakarta, 1951-1952
Editor rubric of cultural Newspapers Lentera, Eastern Star, Jakarta, 1962-1965
University Faculty of Letters Res publica (now Trisakti), Jakarta, 1962-1965
Dr Journalism Academy. Abdul Rivai, 1964-1965

Achievements and Awards
1951: First prize from Balai Pustaka for Hunting (The Fugitive)
1953: National Agency for Cultural Musyawarah Stories from Blora (Tales from Blora)
1964: Yamin Foundation Award for Story from Jakarta (Jakarta Tales form) - declined by writer
1978: Adopted member of the Netherland Center - During Buru Exile
1982: Honorary Life Member of the International PEN Australia Center, Australia
1982: Honorary member of the P.E.N. Center, Sweden
1987: Honorary member of the P.E.N. American Center, USA
1988: Freedom to Write Award from P.E.N. America
1989: Deutschsweizeriches PEN member, Zentrum, Switzerland
1989: The Fund for Free Expression Award, New York, USA
1992: International English PEN Center Award, Great Britain
1995: Stichting Wertheim Award, Netherland
1995: Ramon Magsaysay Award, Philliphine
1995: Nobel Prize for Literature nomination (Pramoedya has constantly been nominated since 1981.)
1999: Honorary Doctoral Degree from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
2000: Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres of France Republic.
2000: Fukuoka Asian Culture Grand Prize, Fukuoka, Japan.

Krandji-Bekasi Djatuh, 1947
Hunting, 1950
Family Gerilya, 1950
Daybreak, 1950
Pertjikan Revolution, 1950
They disabled Jang (Bag 1 and 2), 1951
Not Kuranda, 1951
Tepi Kali Bekasi in, 1951
He is surrendering, 1951
Tjerita from Blora, 1952
Wrestling in Djakarta, 1953
Midah Si Manis serrate Gold, 1954
Corruption, 1954
Tjerita Tjalon Charcoal, 1957
An event in Banten Selatan, 1958
Tjerita from Djakarta, 1957
Bumi Manusia - HM, 1980
All of the children - HM, 1980
Tempo DOELOE, (ed.) - HM, 1982
Step impressions - HM, 1985
Beach girls - HM, 1987
Hikayat Siti Mariah, (ed.) - HM, 1987
Glass House - HM, 1988
Cash Back - HM, 1995
Arok musk - HM, 1999
Mangir - KPG, 1999
Larasati: A Roman Revolution - HM, 2000
Virgin Teen grip in the Military - KPG, 2001
Stories from Digul - KPG, 2001

Hoakiau in Indonesia, 1960
Call Me Kartini Only I & II, 1962
The Beginner - HM, 1985, biography Tirto Adhi Soerjo
Memoirs Oei Tjoe Tat, (ed.) - HM, 1995
Nyanyi Sunyi A dumb I, Lentera, 1995
Nyanyi Sunyi A silent II, Lentera, 1997
Revolution chronicles Indonesia, 1,2,3 Bag. 1 & 2: KPG, 1999 - 3: KPG, 2001

Works to English Translation
Lode Zielens, Mother, Why We Live? (Moeder, waarom Leven wij?), 1947
Frits van Raalte, 1946
J. Veth, 1943
John Steinbeck, and Human Tikus (Of Mice and Men), 1950
Leo Tolstoi, Back to the love and Tjinta (Return to Your Love and affection), 1951
Leo Tolstoi, the Pilgrimage Perdjalanan Weird (Strange Pilgrimage), 1954
Mikhail Sholokhov, Pradjurit Sovjet One Acts (The Fate of a Man), 1956
Maxim Gorki, Ibunda (Mother), 1958
Ho Ching-chih & Ting Yi, Dewi snow (The White-haired Girl), 1958
Alexander Kuprin, Asmara from Russia (Love from Russia), 1959
Boris Polewoi, Acts Human Sejati (A Story about a Real Man)
Blaise Pascal, Fruit Oil (Pensees)
Albert Schweitzer

Short Stories
Because the lighter. Minggoe Merdeka, 6.1, (1947): 6.
Where? Pantja King, 5.2, (47): 141-2.
The moronic. Pantja King, 11-12.2, (47): 405-7.
My friend sesel. Indonesia rostrum, 40.3, (49): 17-19.
Crisis. Indonesia rostrum, 14.3, (49): 17-8, 22.
Antique cupboard. Indonesia pulpit, 43-44.3, (49): 18-9.
Period. Indonesia rostrum, 39.3, (49): 17-20.
Child. Power, 5-6.2, (50): 98-101.
Between the sea and sweat. Strategy, 164, 165.4, (50): 8 6.
Blora. Indonesia, 1.2, (50): 53-64.
Not the night market. Indonesia, 6.1, (50): 23-55.
Light was off. Strategy, 179-180.4, (50): 18-9.
Fever. Indonesia rostrum, 32.4, (50): 26-29.
He surrendered. Poedjangga Baroe, 11-12.11, (50): 245-286.
Red dawn. Resonance atmosphere, 1.3, (50): 81-96.
Gifts marry. Spektra, 42.1, 1.2, 3.2, (50): 27-31, 27-30, 27-30.
Life that is not expected. Finesse, 188 to 193.4, (50): passim.
Inem. Indonesia rostrum, 15.4, (50): 19-20.
Jongos + maid. Indonesia pulpit, 2, 3.4, (50): 17-8, 17-8.
A wonderful family. Resonance atmosphere, 5.3, (50): 440-8.
Reminiscent of the. Indonesia pulpit, 9.4, (50): 20-1.
Bookcase. Indonesia rostrum, 48.4, (50): 20-1.
Search for missing children. Power, 2.2, (50): 42-4, 48.
Bolt that is not searchable. Pearls, 16.2, (50): 10-1, 14-9.
A letter. Spektra, 14.2, (50): 25-30.
News of Kebayoran. Indonesia rostrum, 11.5, (51): 20-1, 26.
Idulfitri get inspiration. Indonesia, 6.2, (51): 17-29.
Then he was born. Indonesia pulpit, 8, 9.5, (51): 20-2, 20-2.
That have been lost. Zenith, 2.1, (51): 112-128.
Kampungku. Indonesia rostrum, 30.6, (52): 20-1, 24, 26.
Sepku. Time, 5.6, (52): 7-8.
Ships arid. Zenith, 9.3, (53): 550-6.
Miscarriage prospective performer. Zenith, 11.3, (53): 659-71.
Emancipation of the crocodile. Zenith, 12.3, (53): 722-30.
Kalil, the opas office. Acts, 3.2, (54): 85-90.
Corruption. Indonesia, 4.5, (54): 165-245.
Travel. Indonesia rostrum, 13.8, (54): 20-3.
One in a corner of the world. Prose, 1.1, (55): 5-7.
Arya Damar. Star Weekly, 551.11, (56): 18-9.
Biangkeladi. Roman, 6.3, (56): 16-8.
Pajajaran blood. Star Weekly, 546.11, (56): 26-7.
Djaka Tarub. Star Weekly, 562.11, (56): 15-6.
Gambir. Aneka, 3,4,5.7, (56): 12-3, 12-3, 20, 12-3, 19.
A very long road. Acts, 7-8.4, (56): 13-5.
Harp. Acts, 2.4, (56): 4-5.
The umpteenth chance. New era, 5, (56): 13-8.
Ki Ageng Pengging. Star Weekly, 570.11, (56): 26-7.
Institutions. Roman, 5.3, (56): 7-8.
Being in the back of the house. Kontjo, 5.2, (56): 20-1, 33.
Ronggo leader and the devil-setannya. Star Weekly, 541.11, (56): 26-8.
Mrs Suharko veterinarian. Roman, 9.3, (56): 4-6.
Purbangkara painter. Star Weekly, 549.11, (56): 26-7.
Raden Raden Patah and Husen. Star Weekly, 555, 556.11, (56): 38-41; 25-7.
Once the full moon. Roman, 7.3, (56): 12-4.
A fall in the kingdom because rajukan consort. Star Weekly, 544.11, (56): 26-7, 35.
Sunyi-day life in the quiet. Indonesia, 6.7, (56): 255-268.
Then without. Roman, 3.3, (56): 6-7, 11.
"Djakarta," almanac Art 1957, Djakarta: Badan Musjawarat Kebudajaan National, 1956.
Kasimun that one. Roman, 8.4, (57): 8-10.
Lono heron family leader. Roman, 12.4, (57): 22-6, 42.
Shamrock Hotel 315. Roman, 10.4, (57): 5-6.
The beautiful and the sick. Pantjawarna, 120.9, (57): 16-7.
He who does not appear. Star Weekly, 659.13, (58): 7-9.
The parties and the vanquished. New era, 21-22, (58): 6.
Uncle hammer. Jang unquenchable (collection of short tjerita) menjambut birthday to PKI-45. Pg. 5-27

Between us. Maneuver, 103.2, (49): 9.
Children homeland. Indonesia, 12.2, (51): 20.
Self-condemnation. Indonesia, 12.2, (51): 19-20.

Family Home Address:
= Road Multi Karya II Number 26, Utan Kayu, East Jakarta

= Bojonggede, Bogor

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