José Rizal MANUA: former member of a theater bengkel

Men's Padang birth, September 14, 1954 This is an artist who bears a lot of rhythm humor. When he read the sajaknya, among other artists bertutur for what I use humor in what the rhyme or humor, poems rhyme ya only. But the message is cool, "you just continue, do not care about them," said Rendra. Who suspected indignation and lashing, and even turned the slur. "But those who upbraid me exactly send them rhyme-rhyme bacakan for me," said Jose.

Actually poems humor is also much in its meaning, not just crack a joke, but loaded with social criticism and even religious. "I believe that humor poems will get their own place in the heart when we see people and life situations so complex, people need to pengendoran brain, so it is not only tense. So poetize humor, I think is one of the facilities that you can anticipate it, so there are also prospects with poems humor, "he said.

"I used to play ball. 1966, I MBFA a football club which is very popular in Jakarta, the birth Iswadi Idris. I play football from the kid, and then ascend to the sub-junior. Then in 1969, I am drawn to Persija Jakarta. My friend playing time Aún Harhara and Dede Sulaiman. Nah, they are a club with me. But in 1972, they both supported the parents, supported by material means to exercise. I do, buy their own shoes, shirts, semuanyalah rate, up-to buy a newspaper, I was selling, nyalo oplet so that money can buy shoes to play ball. The more sad I walk about 10 kilometer from my home to the field Persija, "kenangnya.

"Finally, I run saking jengkelnya to TIM. Firstly menggelandang, the main thing in my work TIM any serabutan until 1974 and the fall when the TIM needs labor and I are working on the TEAM until now, "said alumni IKJ this year 1980-1986. Become a member of Theater Workshop since 1977. The difference with most other members of Theater Workshop, he does not become a parasite in padepokan it. Jose Theater Workshop, including members that can be separated and independent.

Various competitions read poetry in the level of DKI Jakarta and national diikutinya has since the early 80's and always winning, until in 1985 the judges including poet Sutardji Calzoum Bachri request to no longer follow the race. Since that time through his life as Jose orator.

Jose photography like this that are still working on many things, such as the practice of theater for children. Until now, even add bekibar Jose kukunya drive on the field of performing arts and the world kepenyairan. "To have this art never die, I also build children's theater, the Theater was named the country. Here, I can transmit through the arts, drama, dance, pantomin, poetry and singing in the children since early age, "he said.


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